Values & Beliefs

At The Sanctuary, we practice the way of Jesus, in community, to be transformed into people of love, joy, and peace, for the sake of the world.

Church Values


We pursue the Father’s heart through intentional and consistent times of committed prayer.

Spiritual Formation

We value being with God over doing for God. Work on purpose, play on purpose, rest on purpose. Are you practicing rhythms of scripture, sabbath, and recreation?

Discovery of the True Self

We are on a quest to become unhindered by shame. There is one true self that is found in relationship with Jesus Christ alone.

Supporting Scripture

1 Chron. 16:11

Matt. 5:44

Eph. 6:18

Supporting Scripture

Gen. 2:3

 Psalms 46:10

Matt. 11:28-30

Supporting Scripture

Matt. 26:37-39

2 Cor. 6:11-13

James 5:16


We pursue the Father’s heart through intentional and consistent times of committed prayer.

Supporting Scripture

1 Chron. 16:11

Matt. 5:44

Eph. 6:18

Spiritual Formation

We value being with God over doing for God. Work on purpose, play on purpose, rest on purpose. Are you practicing rhythms of scripture, sabbath, and recreation?

Supporting Scripture

Gen. 2:3

 Psalms 46:10

Matt. 11:28-30

Discovery of the True Self

We are on a quest to become unhindered by shame. There is one true self that is found in relationship with Jesus Christ alone.

Supporting Scripture

Matt. 26:37-39

2 Cor. 6:11-13

James 5:16

The Table

We see the Lord’s table as a central catalyst for living the communal life Jesus created us for. Both around a literal table and in everyday life.


We welcome the stranger; forsaking our comfort for the comfort of others.


We order our attention to the needs of our families, friendships, and community.

Supporting Scripture

Prov. 17:17

Acts 2:42

Galatians 6:2

Supporting Scripture

Isaiah 58:7

Luke 14:12-14

1 Peter 4:8-9

Supporting Scripture

Prov. 27:17

Eph. 5:8

Hebrews 2:1

The Table

We see the Lord’s table as a central catalyst for living the communal life Jesus created us for. Both around a literal table and in everyday life.

Supporting Scripture

Prov. 17:17

Acts 2:42

Galat. 6:2


We welcome the stranger; forsaking our comfort for the comfort of others.

Supporting Scripture

Isaiah 58:7

Luke 14:12-14

1 Peter 4:8-9


We order our attention to the needs of our families, friendships, and community.

Supporting Scripture

Prov. 27:17

Eph. 5:8

Hebrews 2:1


We strive to fulfill Jesus’ prayer that, “They would be one.” Linking arms with the “Capital C” church and the community to bring renewal to those around us.


We live all of our lives out of a posture of radical generosity, because God was first generous to us. We give with joy and confidence that God will use our gifts to see Indianapolis, as it is in Heaven.


Justice is what love looks like in action. More than merely valuing justice, we seek it. Caring for the orphan, widow, forgotten, and oppressed.

Supporting Scripture

Psalms 133:1

John 17:23

1 Cor. 1:10

Supporting Scripture

Proverbs 22:9

Luke 6:38

1 John 3:17

Supporting Scripture

Isaiah 61:1-3

Micah 6:8

Zech. 7:9


We strive to fulfill Jesus’ prayer that, “They would be one.” Linking arms with the “Capital C” church and the community to bring renewal to those around us.

Supporting Scripture

Psalms 133:1

John 17:23

1 Cor. 1:10


We live all of our lives out of a posture of radical generosity, because God was first generous to us. We give with joy and confidence that God will use our gifts to see Indianapolis, as it is in Heaven.

Supporting Scripture

Proverbs 22:9

Luke 6:38

1 John 3:17


Justice is what love looks like in action. More than merely valuing justice, we seek it. Caring for the orphan, widow, forgotten, and oppressed.

Supporting Scripture

Isaiah 61:1-3

Micah 6:8

Zech. 7:9

Church Beliefs

The Bible

At The Sanctuary, we believe the Bible (composed of Protestant Old and New Testaments) to be both true and authoritative. We make this claim because we believe God divinely inspired the original authors through the Holy Spirit to write them. (See 2 Timothy 3v15-17 and 2 Peter 1v21)

Whereas we expect God to be present with and in us, always revealing, we do not subscribe to notions that God contradicts what the Scriptures have historically commanded us in practice and belief. God never contradicts Himself. Therefore, Scripture serves not only as inspiration into the life of God, but also as a guardrail for us to know the will of God and test the veracity of all things.

The Gospel

The “good news” that God is ever-pursuing his original Creation mandate of human flourishing and perfect relationship, culminating in Jesus’ sacrificial death and triumphant resurrection. (See 1 Corinthians 15v1-28)

Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, we are giving the gifts of unconditional love, grace, and full relationship with the Father. The powerful truth of the Gospel guides how we interact with God and others.


The necessity of salvation by grace for restored relationship with God and one another. If the Gospel offers us the gifts of the Kingdom, salvation is the acceptance and acknowledgment of those gifts. (See Romans 10v9-13)

Salvation is the catalyst that opens the door to a true life with The Father, The Son, and the receiving the Holy Spirit.

Read more about our Theology of Baptism and our Theology of Communion