Who We Are
It all started with a simple invitation: “Pastor your neighborhood.”
In May of 2022, we sensed an invitation from the Holy Spirit to, “pastor your neighborhood” but, we weren’t sure exactly what that meant.
Over time, however, it became increasingly clear that this desire to, “pastor [our] neighborhood” was a burden shared amongst many individuals, couples, and families all over the city of Indianapolis.
Indy is a neighborhood-based city. Every street changes and morphs to encapsulate the identity of each distinct neighborhood. Greenbriar, Glendale, Broad Ripple, Meridian-Kessler, Rocky Ripple, Nora, Butler-Tarkington, Noblesville, Westfield, Fishers, Carmel. These are just a few of the neighborhoods where our community resides.
It’s the potential of what could be that compelled us to plant The Sanctuary: A church in the neighborhood (of Broad Ripple) for the city (of Indianapolis).
Our vision is taken right off Jesus’ praying lips. To see, “[Indianapolis] as it is in heaven.” We see that vision coming to fruition through a movement of people gathering together around a stage on Sundays, around a table on weekdays, and in the streets always.
It’s our mission to establish The Sanctuary as a haven for broken people to practice the way of Jesus, participate in community, and permeate the world.
Until every neighbor is reached. Until every neighborhood is won. Until Indianapolis looks like heaven.
Your neighborhood needs you. We are inviting you. So, come and join us.
Vision & Mission Statements
In Indianapolis, as it is in Heaven.
A haven for broken people to practice the way of Jesus, participate in community, and permeate the world.
Learn how we live out our mission.
Church Values & Beliefs
At The Sanctuary, we practice the way of Jesus, in community, to be transformed into people of love, joy, and peace, for the sake of the world.